
Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including UI improvements to our price rules and adding new features to our standard dashboard as well as the addition of new way of working and manage data in PriceEge called “Price Objects”. Most of our updates will affect all our users and be rolled out during the month of June.

UI Improvements to Rules

As part of this release, we have included an overhaul of the user interface on our pricing rule screens. From how rule filters are created to improved UIs of all commonly used pricing steps.

UI Improvements to Rules

New Features in Dashboards

It’s now also now possible on the Collect Dashboard to decide if you want to compare the market prices to your price, the market average, or the lowest market price. Previously all widgets compared your price to the market average by default.

New Features in Dashboards

Another feature added on all standard dashboards is the possibility to save your applied filter – saving you time the next time you open up the dashboard and want to apply the same filters again.

Price Objects

As part of this release, we have included a brand new, consistent, and standardized way to manage any type of data in PriceEdge.This will allow you to store and structure almost any type of data.

Why it matters

Every business is unique. And for some customers, PriceEdge’s standard price objects (items, price lists, customer, currencies, and competitors), simply aren’t enough.

Price Objects

With flexible price objects, PriceEdge now gives you the flexibility and control they need to architect their unique business on PriceEdge exactly as it appears in the real world. In a consistent way alongside our standard price objects.

This new edition has been rolled out on all price objects besides Items. By doing this we have created one standardized way for you to manage your data in PriceEdge, allowing you to see detailed views, add extensions, see object-related reports and have full traceability on changes made via our “Activity” tabs.

Not Using PriceEdge Yet?

Book a free demo with one of our pricing experts here or check out our resources and level up your pricing skills with one of our ebooks.