The start of your long-term partnership with us

Your implementation journey is the start of your long-term partnership with us and is powered by our unique approach

Available consulting options

Win more business

One-time Project

Work with a dedicated Pricing Expert in a project to achieve your specific tool- or pricing strategy-based goals.

Easy to use price management software

Onsite Training

Have an Pricing Expert meet face-to-face to help you and your team learn and implement new pricing strategies.

Training, tool kits and support

Ongoing Consulting

Work with a dedicated PriceEdge Consultant on a weekly or monthly basis to achieve your pricing goals.

How it works


Technical Consulting


When you purchase technical consulting with PriceEdge, you’ll work with a technical expert who will learn your business needs and systems inside and out. Your Technical Consultant can help you streamline processes, remove roadblocks, and get the absolute most out of PriceEdge. Our team is available to work with you in a variety of ways, depending on how you and your teamwork best.

Pricing Science


Are you looking to maximize your usage of PriceEdge? Our pricing experts have years of experience partnering with customers to formulate and implement successful pricing strategies. Whether you need help with data segmentation, price optimization, or implementing value-based pricing, our pricing experts will guide you in achieving your tool- or pricing strategy-based goals.


Example of pricing projects

  Pricing Process Consulting  

Work with an pricing expert to help define your pricing process on PriceEdge, and ensure your team takes full advantage of PriceEdge pricing tools. We will guide you through process planning, best practices, and team adoption to ensure your pricing  process matches the buyer's journey and the way your team likes to price. 

Typical topics covered include:

  • Discovery of your current process and key areas of improvement
  • PO&M setup and best practices
  • Marketing-to-Sales handoff best practices
  • Price logic stage discussion and recommendations
  • Recommendations on pricing workflows
  • Discussion of reporting and analytics tools, and sales measurement

  Pricing Assessments  

Work with a pricing expert to help define where you stand today in relation your pricing process, logic and tools.

Typical topics covered include:

  • Assessment of current pricing setup
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Define your optimal price methodology
  • Run standardized price evaluation reports
  • Highlight potential quick wins
  • Present recommendations for specific follow-up projects/tactics

Our consultants will reposition your prices using the new pricing strategy and support your change management process as well.

Typical topics covered include:

  • Prepare and categorize your data
  • Analyze and reposition your prices
  • Support the change management

  Account Review and Reboot  

Your Pricing Expert will conduct a high-level review of your PriceEdge account, including typical key areas of the tool, plus any specific areas of interest to your team. Once complete, your consultant will review their findings with you and provide recommendations – a combination of low-hanging fruit and longer-term opportunities.

Typical topics covered include:

  • Offline review of your current account setup
  • Discussion of current business priorities
  • Present recommendations for specific follow-up projects/tactics

  Day-to-day pricing  

A pricing journey does not end with a price repositioning project. We will be your personal partner as you continue to optimize prices and processes.

Typical topics covered include:

  • Create efficient daily pricing processes
  • Run annual price revisions effortlessly
  • Sustain and improve results over time

  Creating Successful Pricing Strategies  

This project is designed for customers who may have struggled recently with pricing performance, or are looking for ways to improve their already high-performing pricing strategies. You’ll work together with a Pricing Expet to develop a deep understanding of how to segment your data, and craft pricing strategies that drive revenue and profits

Typical topics covered include:

  • Discovery of your current pricing practices and key areas of improvement
  • Discussion of your pricing process
  • Recommendations on segmentation strategies and tactics
  • Guidance on improving profit and revenue
  • Discussion of how pricing fits into your overall business processes

Discover How Price Edge Can Help Your Business