
What's New in Price Edge 2.4 - A Sneak Peek at Our Latest Features

At Price Edge, we’re committed to continuously improving our platform to better serve your needs. Our latest release, version 2.4, is packed with new features and enhancements that will make your pricing operations even more efficient and user-friendly.

Here’s a closer look at what you can expect:

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Release Tracks - Choose How You Receive Updates with Price Edge

New Release Tracks

Starting with version 2.4, Price Edge will publish releases with new features every quarter. Before a major release, you will receive an email with what new features to expect so you can prepare and be able to adopt them in your work.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Summer 2023


This quarter we have been working a lot on minor improvements as well as 2 new additions.

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Price Edge Listed as a “Representative Vendor” in the Gartner 2023 Market Guide for B2B Profit Optimization Software

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, announced today that the company has been listed in the “Market Guide for for B2B Profit Optimization Software” published by Gartner on August 7, 2023.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Spring 2023


This quarter we have been working a lot on improving some of our existing features but have also been able to add some new ones – including a completely new area for account information.

Most of these updates will affect all our users and be rolled out to production environments on the 7th of June.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Winter 2023


This quarter we have worked on a lot of new features as well as wrapped up all the work related to migrating our frontend to be 100% built with React. As of now, we run fully on a completely new architecture, so we felt it is also appropriate that this version is referred to as PriceEdge 2.0. Below we have outlined the biggest new features added in this important release.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Autumn 2021


Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including improvements to the grid creation and edit flow, as well as the addition of a new popup inside grids to show price calculation breakdowns. Most of our updates will affect all our users and be rolled out during the evening of the 22nd of November.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Summer 2021


Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including UI improvements to our extensions and adding new features to our object views as well as the addition of a new way of working and managing data hierarchies in PriceEge. Note that most of our updates will affect all our users and be rolled out by the end of August.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Spring 2021


Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including UI improvements to our price rules and adding new features to our standard dashboard as well as the addition of new way of working and manage data in PriceEge called “Price Objects”. Most of our updates will affect all our users and be rolled out during the month of June.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Winter 2021


Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including improvements to our user management and adding a new default dashboard for those of you that utilize our scraping capabilities via PriceEdge Collect. We also share information about our improved “translation interface” as well as the addition of anchor-based pricing features to our attribute-based pricing screen. Most of our updates will affect all our users and be rolled out during the month of March.

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Price Edge Listed as a “Representative Vendor” in the Gartner 2020 Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, announced today that the company has been listed in the “Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software” , published by Gartner on October 26, 2020.

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In Case you Missed It… PriceEdge Updates for Autumn 2020


Find out about all the big changes we’ve made to PriceEdge in the last quarter, including improvements to Price Grids and adding 2 default dashboards for those of you that utilize our web-store tracking script. We also share information about our improved “detailed item view” as well as 5 additions to our pricing step library. Most of our updates affect all our users and of course, also include a bunch of smaller fixes and improvements, so make sure to check out the article below.

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Price Edge included in Forrester’s Now Tech: B2B Pricing, Q3 2020

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management solutions, announced today that the company has been included in the latest Now Tech report from Forrester Research for B2B pricing solutions in Q3, 2020. Forrester is a leading global research and advisory firm.

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Price Edge recognized as a “Rising Star” in FeaturedCustomers Spring 2020 Customer Success Report Rankings on Pricing Optimization Software Vendors

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, announced today that the company has been recognized as “Rising Star” in FeaturedCustomers Spring 2020 Customer Success Report Rankings on Pricing Optimization Software Vendors.

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Price Edge Named as a “Sample Vendor” in Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Multienterprise Solutions, 2019

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, today announced that it has been identified as a Sample Vendor in the Gartner “Hype Cycle for Multienterprise Solutions, 2019” report. Price Edge was named as a Sample Vendor in the “Price Optimization and Management for B2B” category.

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Price Edge included in Forrester’s Now Tech: Pricing And Promotion, Q3 2019

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management solutions, announced today that the company has been included in the latest Now Tech report from Forrester Research for Pricing and Promotion solutions in Q3, 2019. Forrester is a leading global research and advisory firm.

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Price Edge Listed as a “Representative Vendor” in Gartner’s Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software

Price Edge, a fast-growing provider of Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) solutions, announced today that the company has been listed in the “Market Guide for B2B Price Optimization and Management Software,” published by Gartner on March 27, 2019.

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Price Edge Awarded Grant for Artificial Intelligence in Value Based Pricing by Sweden’s Government Agency for Innovation

Vinnova awards Price Edge 1 Million SEK – to develop an artificial intelligence solution for value-based pricing, targeted at manufacturing companies.

Price Edge Solutions AB, a fast-growing Price Optimization & Management (PO&M) software provider, today announced it is being awarded a grant of 1 Million SEK to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into its pricing software for value-based pricing – replacing what has previously been done manually by management consultants. The grant is being awarded by Vinnova, Sweden’s government agency focused on research and innovation.

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PriceEdge to sponsor the 13th yearly European Pricing Forum in Brussles

PriceEdge is proud to be a sponsor and partner of the European Pricing Platform (EPP) for the 13th yearly Global & European Pricing Forum in Brussels next week. Make sure to stop by our booth, where we’ll be showing pricers like you why PriceEdge is the dream pricing software.

Sponsor and partner of the European Pricing Platform

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